Command Control

Now I have svbtle and medium and will probably try ghost. Add some personal and business websites to the mix, dozens of domains, micro-sites on tumblr and blogger all treating about random stuff… (to not pollute main channels with pictures of cats)

To manage them all I created a one-liner:

  <script src=""></script>

Slides, source, for demo check for instance genesis.RE

A line of JavaScript that that asynchronously loads the actual content. Think of “like” or “tweet” button - they do the same - a little snippet of code that pulls all the required data form server. Same in this case but it’s me who is in charge - that’s why the name Command Control.

Currently the idea I promote across my personal network is Genesis. It’s about buying land and building a school. I wanted to come up with something new. Apparently this is a common approach these days, just have a look:

Everyone likes to feel in control, me too :) I need to make this snippet more robust and more secure, then spread the word to guys like me. Just imagine the impact we could have if million websites on the internet points to single place such as Kickstarter campaign reaching its final hours. Amplifying glass, snowball of the internet…

Related: [IndieWebCamp syndication models]

It was an inspiring weekend in Brighton, thank you for having me.
Indie Web Camp pres

(me presenting on stage - current Command Control is the effort of couple hours hacking at IndieWebCamp - photo via @kongroove)
