Michal Stefanow

Open-source . Currently: Cambridge, UK.

Command Control

Now I have svbtle and medium and will probably try ghost. Add some personal and business websites to the mix, dozens of domains, micro-sites on tumblr and blogger all treating about random stuff… (to not pollute main channels with pictures of cats)

To manage them all I created a one-liner:

  <script src="http://genesis.re/re/commandcontrol.js"></script>

Slides, source, for demo check for instance genesis.RE

A line of JavaScript that that asynchronously loads the actual content. Think of “like” or “tweet” button - they do the same - a little snippet of code that pulls all the required data form server. Same in this case but it’s me who is in charge - that’s why the name Command Control.

Currently the idea I promote across my personal network is Genesis. It’s about buying land and building a school. I wanted to come up with something new. Apparently this is a common approach these...

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